Tuesday 31 March 2020

Learn How to Use BigCommerce for WordPress to Sell Products on Your Site

BigCommerce Video Tutorials by WP101®

First, a personal note:

Like you, we’re navigating these unprecedented times to the best of our ability. We’re staying home and everything is on lockdown right now, while we continue to monitor the ongoing health crisis and do our part to help out in any way we can.

Thankfully, our team has always been remote, so we’re continuing to create courses and answer your questions in our WordPress help forum. We’re continually looking for ways to help you make the most of this quarantine time.

So, today we’re happy to release a brand new course that will help you sell products from your WordPress site. If there is anything else we can do to help you during this time, please feel free to reach out anytime.

New Course! BigCommerce for WordPress

Do you want to start selling products on your WordPress website without bogging down your page load times, or buying dozens of expensive add-ons? Looking for an alternative to WooCommerce? In our newest course, we’ll show you how to use BigCommerce for WordPress so you can start selling products on your WordPress site in about 30 minutes.

BigCommerce Product Backend

WordPress is the most popular content management system on the planet, and it provides a fantastic way to manage your website. But WordPress wasn’t designed for ecommerce. And with dozens of ecommerce plugins available for WordPress, where do you begin? It’s easy to become overwhelmed with decisions about how to manage your inventory, accept payments, process orders, handle shipping, security, hosting, performance… and the list goes on.

That’s where BigCommerce for WordPress comes in.

BigCommerce Logo

BigCommerce is a specialized ecommerce platform. BigCommerce handles all the heavy lifting so you can focus on growing your business. And, with BigCommerce for WordPress, you can bring all this power directly to your WordPress site.

Once the plugin is installed, BigCommerce takes care of all the important aspects of ecommerce for your WordPress site. Right out of the box, you get a robust set of tools to help you sell products from your site, without having to worry about complicated PCI compliance, processing credit cards, or slowing down your website!

With BigCommerce for WordPress, you can focus on creating content and a stellar customer experience, while BigCommerce works in the background, making sure your store always runs at its best.

Blazing fast ecommerce that doesn’t slow down your site.

Displaying products to your site visitors and processing concurrent orders shouldn’t slow down your site. But this is the #1 problem for ecommerce site owners, and it can be costly. BigCommerce solves this problem by offloading the most intensive processes to their dedicated servers, freeing your own web server’s resources so you can handle high traffic, without slowing down your WordPress site.

With BigCommerce for WordPress, you get a powerful, PCI-compliant, ecommerce platform that loads incredibly fast, whether you’re selling one product — or thousands. BigCommerce handles the checkout process, so you don’t have to worry about security or PCI compliance.

We partnered with BigCommerce to create this simple, 13-part introduction to BigCommerce for WordPress.

In this easy, 30-minute course, you’ll learn:

  • Why BigCommerce is the best ‘headless’ ecommerce solution for WordPress.
  • How to download, install, and configure BigCommerce for WordPress.
  • How to add products to your BigCommerce store.
  • How to import a list of existing products into BigCommerce.
  • How to display your product catalog on a page or post.
  • How to customize the colors and layout of the product catalog.
  • How to create custom child templates for BigCommerce.
  • How to launch your BigCommerce store.
  • The major differences between WooCommerce vs. BigCommerce.
  • How to migrate from WooCommerce to BigCommerce.
  • Where to get expert help for BigCommerce.
  • Plus, much more!

Check out the introductory video…

Best of all, this new course is FREE for All-Access Pass members!

If you already have an All-Access Pass, first log into your account, then visit the BigCommerce 101 course description page and click the large, green button that says, “Take This Course.” That’s it! You don’t need to purchase anything else. Once you’ve enrolled in the new course, it will appear in your My Courses page.

Don’t have an All-Access Pass yet?

Purchase an All-Access Pass today and you’ll get this new course, plus all of our other courses! In addition to WordPress basics, you’ll also learn how to optimize your site for search engines, sell products from your website, create custom forms, and much more. Learn more and get your All-Access Pass today!

Check out the BigCommerce 101 course outline:

View Course Outline

Learn How to Use BigCommerce for WordPress to Sell Products on Your Site appeared first on WP101.com

from WordPress Tutorials by WP101 https://ift.tt/3bGHQMS

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