Thursday 8 February 2018

Lowering down your blog’s bounce rate – A #ShoutersChat Recap

Are you trying to attract more readers or to increase your traffic, but all your efforts are going in vain. It may be because your blog might have an extremely high bounce rate.

A high bounce rate is a parameter to measure how many people land on one of your pages and leave the blog without clicking on any other page. In other words, a single page visitor accounts to a higher bounce rate.

Most bloggers know that it is always a bad idea to have a higher bounce rate.

Well, why do we say this? It is mainly because many of the readers who visit your blog bounce off even before landing on your blog page.

A higher bounce rate, results in a decrease in traffic and hence your revenue also decreases. A higher bounce rate also tells what poor user experience is all about. Decrease your bounce rate to get more page views and thus translate them into revenue. But how do you achieve a good bounce rate?

That’s why this week’s #ShoutersChat was: “Lowering down your blog’s bounce rate.”

In this week’s #ShoutersChat we discussed everything from your website’s bounce rate and the time that is spent per session on an average. We also talked about the various factors that could increase your bounce rate and if pop-ups could have an affect on the bounce rate of your website. Content formatting to decrease the bounce rate was another topic which was discussed during the session.

Here is a recap of each question and the top answers by Shouters.

Q1. What is your site’s bounce rate and average time spent per session?

From the Shouter community:

View more answers to Q1 here

Q2. What do you think is the major factor of high bounce rate?

From the Shouter community:

View more answers to Q2 here

Q3.  Do you think popups can increase bounce rate? Why or why not?

From the Shouter community:

View more answers to Q3 here

Q4. How do you think you should format content to decrease your bounce rate?

From the Shouter community:

View more answers to Q4 here

Q5. What is the bounce rate that you want to achieve?

From the Shouter community:

View more answers to Q5 here

Join Us Every Saturday on #ShoutersChat

That is it for this week. We’d love to see you in the next session of #ShoutersChat which takes place every Saturday at 7 PM IST.

Please take a moment to answer the questions on Twitter in the comment section below. We’d love to hear your thoughts!

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Lowering down your blog’s bounce rate – A #ShoutersChat Recap is a post from ShoutMeLoud - Shouters Who Inspires

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