Wednesday 28 February 2018

Building backlinks for better ranking – A #ShoutersChat Recap

Building backlinks for better ranking

Well, what are Backlinks?

Backlinks are the incoming links that link your website to an authoritative website.

But, why do you need these?

It is one of the key factors that determines your ranking on any search engine.

It also helps you to build organic traffic. Because your traffic directly determines what quality of backlinks your website has. If your backlinks contain any authoritative website, you are likely to have a better ranking and thus a better audience.

There are various parameters on which the ranking of your website depends, but Backlinks are formerly one of the most important factor on which your SEO is measured.

Now, building backlinks is of utmost importance and it is also not very hard to generate backlinks. In fact there are smart ways to build quality backlinks, and to get authoritative websites to link to your online business.

That’s why this week’s #ShoutersChat was : “Building backlinks for better ranking”.

In this week’s #ShoutersChat we discussed from primary strategy to build backlinks to the tools you can use to monitor backlinks. We even talked about ways in which anybody can get organic and natural backlinks. We also discussed about various backlink building technique that everyone should give a try in 2018.

Here is a recap of each question and the top answers by Shouters.

Q1. What is your primary backlink building strategy?

backlink building strategy

From the Shouter community:

View more answers to Q1 here

Q2. What tool do you use to monitor backlinks?

Tools to monitor backlinks

From the Shouter community:

View more answers to Q2 here

Q3. What is the one backlink you are proud of? How did you get it?


From the Shouter community:

View more answers to Q3 here

Q4. How anyone can start to get organic & natural Backlinks?

Get organic & natural Backlinks

From the Shouter community:

View more answers to Q4 here

Q5. Which new Backlink building technique everyone should try in 2018?

Backlink building technique

From the Shouter community:

View more answers to Q5 here

Join Us Every Saturday on #ShoutersChat

That is it for this week. We’d love to see you in the next session of #ShoutersChat.

#ShoutersChat happens every Saturday at 7 PM IST.

If you like, you can answer the above questions in the comments section below. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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Building backlinks for better ranking – A #ShoutersChat Recap is a post from ShoutMeLoud - Shouters Who Inspires

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