Thursday 1 February 2018

Growing Your Email Subscribers – A #ShoutersChat Recap

Email Marketing is a boon for any blog. It is the fastest way to drive more readers to your blog resulting in increased sales. Emails are a way to let your readers know about the updates on your blog. In order to build an effective audience, you need to inform your readers about your latest content.

You cannot expect your visitors to remember you and come back to your blog again and again in order to look for more information. They are just drive-by visitors and you need potential subscribers.

The biggest problem that most of the bloggers face is the lack of a database large enough to explore the benefits of email marketing. As a marketer, it is your job to make sure that your email list is updated regularly so that you are able to keep increasing your number and climb up the ladder.

That is why this week’s #ShoutersChat was: “Growing your Email Subscribers”

In this week’s #ShoutersChat, we discussed why each blog should focus on growing their email subscribers. We also discussed whether or not you offer something to your subscribers in exchange of their email addresses and what your next goal would be in terms of your email subscribers.

Here is a recap of each question and the top answers by Shouters.

Q1. Why should every blog focus on growing email subscribers?

growing email subscribers

From the Shouter community:

View more answers to Q1 here

Q2. What kind of opt-in forms do you use to collect email subscribers?

email subscribers

From the Shouter community:

View more answers to Q2 here

Q3. What do you offer in exchange of the email addresses of your visitors?

Offer in exchange of email address for visitor

From the Shouter community:

View more answers to Q3 here

Q4. Do you use popups? Why/why not?

Why or why not use popups

From the Shouter community:

View more answers to Q4 here

Q5. How many email subscribers do you currently have and what is your next goal?

email subscribers goal

From the Shouter community:

View more answers to Q5 here

Join Us Every Saturday on #ShoutersChat

That is it for this week. We’d love to see you in the next session of #ShoutersChat which takes place every Saturday at 7 PM IST.

Please take a moment to answer the questions on Twitter in the comment section below. We’d love to hear your thoughts!

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Growing Your Email Subscribers – A #ShoutersChat Recap is a post from ShoutMeLoud - Shouters Who Inspires

from ShoutMeLoud
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