Friday 21 December 2018

The All-New WordPress 101 for WordPress 5.0 is Here!

WordPress 101 Updated for Gutenberg and WordPress 5.0

Are you ready to learn how to use the new Block Editor in WordPress 5.0 to build your own personal blog, business site, or online store? Our highly-popular WordPress 101 course is all-new, completely rewritten from the ground up and expanded to 34 videos. See what’s new!

We couldn’t be more excited to announce the release of our brand-new, completely rewritten WordPress 101 course for beginners. Earlier this year, we celebrated our 10th anniversary. Since 2008, we’ve updated and re-recorded the WordPress 101 videos a whopping 25 times. But this release was different.

As you know, WordPress 5.0 was released on December 6th. And it brought some big changes to the editor… actually, a complete overhaul of the editing experience we’ve all come to know and love. The new Block Editor, code-named “Gutenberg,” introduces a whole new way to create media-rich pages and posts that simply wasn’t possible in WordPress before, without turning to third-party add-ons.

The current editor got us through the last 14 years. We want Gutenberg to get us through the next 14.” Matt Mullenweg, Creator of WordPress

In much the same way, our original WordPress 101 course served us all well for the past ten years; nearly three million people just like you have watched our WordPress video tutorials over the years! But we felt it was time to re-think our entire course.

So, we ditched the scripts we’ve relied on and updated for the past decade, and started from scratch. A new WordPress editing experience requires a new approach to onboarding new WordPress users.

A new WordPress editing experience requires a new approach to onboarding new WordPress users. Check out the all-new WordPress 101 video tutorial series by @WP101!
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So, what’s new in WordPress 101?

In short… everything. We’ve broken the course into sections, centered around the activities a new WordPress user will want to learn first: Getting Started > Creating Content > Customizing Your Site > Exploring Blocks > Managing Your Site

The new course has been expanded to 34 video lessons, each one weighing in at no more than 5 minutes.

Plus, the first 7 videos are now completely FREE, so anyone can get a proper introduction to WordPress 5.0.

View the WordPress 101 Course Outline

Ready to check out the all-new WordPress 101?

We think you’re going to love creating content with the all-new WordPress Block Editor, but it definitely comes with a learning curve.

Whether you’re building a personal blog, a business site for your company, or even an online store, this course will teach you all the fundamentals of how to use WordPress to build your own website — in less than two hours.

By the end of this course, you’ll know how to create and manage your own WordPress website. You’ll learn how to use the all-new Block Editor in WordPress to create media-rich custom layouts. And you’ll be comfortable adding images, and using the Customizer to personalize the design of your site.

But best of all… you don’t have to learn in a vacuum. Every day, our WordPress educators answer WordPress questions from our members in our help forum. So when you need help, just reach out and we’ll do our best to get you back on your way.

Ready to get started? Check out the all-new WordPress 101 course outline, then watch the first seven videos for FREE. See you in the course!

WordPress 101 Course Page

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from WordPress Tutorials by WP101

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