Thursday 8 November 2018

New Course: An Introduction to Gutenberg

Have you heard about Gutenberg, the all-new content editor coming soon to WordPress? It’ll completely transform the way you create content in WordPress. Don’t get caught by surprise! This 17-part video course by Joe Casabona will introduce you to the all-new Gutenberg Editor in WordPress and show you how to use all of its exciting new features.

Gutenberg Editor IconGutenberg will transform the WordPress editor into a powerful tool that will enable you to create rich content with more control over layouts. Gutenberg introduces the concept of ‘content blocks,’ and it's sure to have a massive and long-lasting impact on how you create content in WordPress.

“Gutenberg” is the codename for the project that started a couple of years ago to create a completely new editor experience for WordPress. The goal is to create a new editing experience that makes it easy for anyone to create rich post layouts.

Gutenberg will be the new editor as of WordPress 5.0, and it will revolutionize how you create content with WordPress. You’ll be able to build rich layouts, right within the content editor.

The current editor got us through the last 14 years. We want Gutenberg to get us through the next 14.” Matt Mullenweg, Creator of WordPress

When you dive into it, you’ll quickly find that Gutenberg enables you to create content like you’ve never been able to before. It’s without a doubt the most significant enhancement to WordPress in years. Out of the box, Gutenberg includes over a dozen “blocks,” or modules that you can drag and drop into your posts and pages to create just about any type of layout you can imagine.

Blocks enable you to build beautiful layouts and more engaging content. Insert, rearrange, and style multimedia blocks without touching code. Just add a block and focus on your content.

Test-Drive Gutenberg Blocks for Yourself

Want to try Gutenberg before you install it on your site?

Gutenberg Demo

“Will you update the WordPress 101 course to cover Gutenberg?”

Yes! In fact, we’ve already begun the process of updating the scripts for our entire WordPress 101 course to cover the new Gutenberg editor in our next version of the WordPress 101 videos.

We’ve been carefully monitoring Gutenberg since it was first announced, and we anticipate recording 4-6 new videos to cover the new Gutenberg editing experience in WordPress 5.0.

Of course, we’ll also update and continue to maintain the current videos that cover the “Classic Editor” as well, since many site owners will not enable Gutenberg on their sites immediately. In fact, if you prefer the current editor in WordPress, you can install the Classic Editor plugin, which will hide all traces of Gutenberg and its new block editor, including the Dashboard widget that invites users to try it:

Download the Classic Editor Plugin

Our commitment has always been to fully cover the ‘out-of-the-box’ WordPress experience, and we look forward to helping WordPress users of all levels get up to speed as quickly as possible with Gutenberg.

“When will your updated videos for Gutenberg be released?”

We’ve already begun updating scripts, but we cannot begin recording the new videos until WordPress 5.0 is stable.

WordPress 5.0 is currently slated for release on November 19th. Over the past ten years, we’ve updated our WordPress 101 videos with every major release of WordPress—a whopping 23 times, to date! But, for the first time in our history, we may not be able to update our videos until after WordPress 5.0 is released.

Why the delay?

This particular release cycle has been fraught with controversy, bugs, and significant changes to the UI as late as Beta 3, which was released earlier this week. We normally begin re-recording our videos as soon as the first Release Candidate is available. But the schedule for this particular release cycle calls for just one Release Candidate, followed by the final release just seven days later. Normally, we have at least 14 days between RC1 and the final release, and we normally see at least two Release Candidates, sometimes more, if needed.

Further, the new default theme, Twenty Nineteen, has only just been granted a “feature freeze,” which means the development team can now turn their attention to fixing bugs. The theme is not yet finished, and we cannot re-record our videos until the theme is complete.

There’s been a great deal of discussion in the WordPress community about postponing the release date, allowing more time to ensure WordPress 5.0 is truly ready for release. But as of today, it’s simply not ready. And we’re unable to begin production on our new videos until the theme is complete and this release is more stable.

We know you rely on our training videos to provide the best WordPress learning experience possible. So, we’d rather wait an extra week or two to ensure that our videos are accurate, and of the quality that you’ve come to expect from WP101.

Meanwhile, our ‘Introduction to Gutenberg’ course will get you up to speed!

We’ve partnered with Joe Casabona, who also created our WooCommerce Quick Start course, to make this 17-part video course on Gutenberg available to our members! In less than 90 minutes, you’ll learn all this and more:

  • What is Gutenberg?
  • How is it Different from the Current Editor?
  • How to use Key Blocks
  • The Classic Editor Plugin
  • Building a Site with Guetnberg
  • Plus much more!

Who is this course for?

This course is for all WordPress users. Gutenberg will be released within the next couple of weeks, so it's important you understand what it is and how it works. In short, if you use WordPress to create or edit content for your website, you'll want to know what’s coming and how it will affect you. This course is especially important for:

  • Content creators who want a more powerful native content editor without the need for a plugin. The new WordPress Editor is introducing the concept of blocks, giving us more modular content layouts. If you create content, this course will show you how get the most out of this new experience.
  • Freelancers and agencies who need to know how Gutenberg works for their clients. This course will give you everything you need to effectively prepare your clients for the upcoming change to WordPress, including UI walk-throughs and test plans for upgrading.
  • WordPress educators who train users on how to use the Dashboard. If you’re tasked with teaching folks how to use WordPress, this course can be your first foray into creating your own lesson plans and material for your students, employees, and customers.

Ready to get started with Gutenberg?

We think you’re going to love creating content with the all-new Gutenberg Editor, but it definitely comes with a learning curve. That’s why we’re making this course available now!

View Gutenberg Course Details

New Course: An Introduction to Gutenberg appeared first on

from WordPress Tutorials by WP101

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