Monday 2 April 2018

The Extra Money I Earned By Growth Hacking Amazon Associate Program: A Case Study

Growth Hacking Amazon Associate Program

Want to know a secret?

If you are making money from Amazon associate program (Amazon affiliate), this article is gold for you.

But let me give you the background first.

In my earlier blog post, I talked about a not so well known feature of the Amazon affiliate program which is that the Amazon Associates program is country-specific.

Amazon doesn’t pay you for a sale which is made in stores in a different country other than the one you have signed up for.

Well, after learning about this in 2016, I started testing two solutions for this:

After testing both the above, I decided to use given the pricing was simple and the technology robust. In my last blog post, I talked about service in detail. Now it’s time to share some stats with you.

Update: Recently Amazon launched Onelink program which offers all the features of and its free. However, you can use this article to understand the benefit of this concept and use Onelink moving forward. I will do a detailed write-up for the same along with pros and cons in the coming days.

This is the first time I’m doing a detailed analysis to see how much profit I have generated from this service. Also, this case study will give you a perspective whether or not you should use it for your blog/website.

Also, do check out footnotes to learn some important things from my experience and things you should be using.

A detailed case study on Amazon affiliate link localization:

I have been using the Amazon associate program for the past 7 years but it took me a while to find out the fact that if a user clicks on my Amazon USA link and makes a purchase on the Amazon US site, I will not be earning anything.

It hit me hard and I started looking for a solution.

When I found, I wasn’t very confident about paying for a service ($9/month at the time), as I was not aware of the reward.

This is true for every new thing we want to try. We don’t want to spend money on a product or service the reward for which is unknown. There were not many reviews or any case study about it either.

However, the curious guy that I am, I signed up for the service and slowly started optimizing all my existing Amazon links via

The challenge was to sign up for all available country-specific Amazon associate program. Eventually, after months of work, I did it.

Was it worth it?

Well, let’s find out in this guide.

The very first thing I would like to share is the stats from the dashboard:


Since detects visitors’ click location, it also suggests which country Amazon affiliate program you should sign up for.

In the above screenshot, you can see that it is recommending me to sign up for the Amazon Brazil program.

Now let’s look at the stats from some of the country-specific Amazon affiliate programs that I have signed up for and see if the money I have already spent on subscription is worth it.

$120 – The total amount I have spent on since September 2016.

With their new pricing, this would have been lesser but more on that later.

Amazon U.K. Associate earning:

Earning from Amazon U.K affiliate program alone covered my billing of and in total, I made 158.23 Euros, equivalent to $195.

See the below screenshot:

Amazon U.K. Associate earning

Let’s move to another one.

Amazon India associate program earnings:

  • Total earning in INR: 10347
  • In USD: 159

Amazon India associate program earnings

Amazon France associate earning:

  • In Euro: 27.35
  • In USD: 33.70

Amazon France associate earning

Amazon Germany associate program:

  • In Euro: 164.3
  • In USD: 202.51

Amazon Germany associate program

Amazon Canada:

  • In Canadian Dollars: 92.31
  • In USD: 71.66

Amazon Canada

There are many more countries, but these are the top geographical locations from where I got clicks on my Amazon links.

Here is the total calculation:

  • Total amount spent on subscription from Sep 16 to March 18: $120
  • Total Amazon associate earning from various locations: $661.86

This is when I have not added my usual Amazon US associate program earnings, and that is USD 2294 which I earned in the period from September 2016 to March 2018.

How much work does it require to sign up for all country-specific Amazon affiliate programs and integrate it with genius? Not more than an hour and once you have put that effort in, everything is on auto-pilot.

You don’t have to do anything extra, and you will start earning more.

This is actually the first time I’m doing a detailed analysis of earning from all Amazon stores associate program, and this result is eye-opening.

I don’t use Amazon associate program extensively like many others and if you are someone who is already making a decent income from Amazon associate program, this will multiply your earnings by quite a lot.

It’s easier than you think.

The only thing is you need to signup for all country-specific Amazon associate program and figure out how to get paid. For me, Payoneer is working great for all Euro specific countries and should work for you as well.

The challenge is to sign up for stores which requires you to have a local address and local payment system. There are only a few such stores but if you have strong traffic for such geo, you need to figure out a way.

For example, India Amazon associate program requires you to have an Indian address and Indian payment system.

In such scenarios, you should try partnering up with someone local and give them a cut from your earning.

A little extra work will help you earn for long.


As mentioned earlier, here are a few things you should know:

  • At times some of the country-specific affiliate programs may close your affiliate account. This will not impact your account in other country Amazon stores.
  • You should definitely use Payoneer to get paid for few of the stores. For certain stores, you can take the Amazon voucher. In below screenshot, you can see the supported currencies by Payoneer.

Global Payment Service

  • For receiving payments from Amazon Spain, Italy, Germany, France, United Kingdom you can use Payoneer EUR account.
  • Amazon recently launched the Amazon one link program which basically does the same thing. I’m still exploring that feature and will share more about it in the coming days.
  • You can use to create a conditional link. For example, redirecting users to the specific page if they click on Android and different link when they click from an iOS device.


Make sure you also read TOS of Amazon associate program before using blog has put an extensive guide on Amazon TOS which is worth a read.

Conclusion: Test result of using

A service like or anything similar that helps you earn from all country-specific Amazon stores is absolutely worth the effort. From the test results, it’s clearly seen that this is a profitable avenue and should be used by anyone who is using Amazon associate program for monetization.

Take a 14-day trial of

If you have had a similar experience of utilizing Amazon associate program to earn more, I would like to hear about your experience. If you find this case study useful, do share it with others who are using the Amazon associate program.

Also, here are a few other hand-picked articles that .can help you make money online:

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The Extra Money I Earned By Growth Hacking Amazon Associate Program: A Case Study is a post from ShoutMeLoud - Shouters Who Inspires

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