Thursday 25 January 2018

Podcasting in 2018 – A #ShoutersChat Recap

We usually think that writing a blog post is the only way to connect to our audience. Blog posts are amazing, without an iota of doubt, and they can generate a great amount of positive ranking if the content oozes quality. However, you always need to do something different so as to break the monotony of your blog. That is where podcasts come in the picture. A podcast is one such thing that is easy and needs to be considered. Some people like to hear voice notes rather than read a 2000-word article. It also helps you build an emotional connect with your audience.

A podcast is a digital audio file which can be downloaded on your computer or your mobile phone. The thing that makes podcasts worthwhile is that it is an incredible tool in terms of building your blog as a brand and gaining the trust of your listeners. It also adds a personal touch and creates an instant connection with your followers.

When you write a blog post, you manage to keep your readers glued to your blog for a few minutes. However, they are likely to stick around to a podcast and listen to your opinion for much longer. It is one communication method that helps you to stay connected with your readers on a more personal note.

But the question is how do you create a podcast, and how does it help?

We here at ShoutMeLoud will help you to get the answers to all your queries. And hence, this week’s #ShoutersChat was : “Podcasting in 2018”

In this week’s #ShoutersChat, we discussed everything from how a podcast can help you save time to what is the appropriate time duration for a podcast. We also discussed if you would like to start a podcast this year. And also whether you heard ShoutMeLoud’s new podcast!

Here is a recap of each question and the top answers by Shouters.

Q1. Do you listen to podcasts?


From the Shouter community:

View more answers to Q1 here

Q2. How do you think podcasts save time?

Podcasts save time

From the Shouter community:

View more answers to Q2 here

Q3. Are you planning to launch a podcast this year?

Launching a podcast

From the Shouter community:

View more answers to Q3 here

Q4. How long a podcast do you usually listen to? What is the time duration of a podcast that you would do for your audience?

Length of a podcast

From the Shouter community:

View more answers to Q4 here

Q5. Have you heard the new ShoutMeLoud podcast?

ShoutMeLoud podcast

From the Shouter community:

View more answers to Q5 here

Listen To Our New Podcast

We’ve started a new podcast show called, “Shouter’s Friday With Harsh Agrawal”. In this new podcast, we pick top questions from the ShoutMeloud Bloggers’ Forum and answer them in detail.

Click here to listen to Ep.001

Join Us Every Saturday on #ShoutersChat

That is it for this week. We’d love to see you in the next session of #ShoutersChat which takes place every Saturday at 7 PM IST.

Please take a moment to answer the questions on Twitter in the comment section below. We’d love to hear your thoughts!

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Here is a recap of all previous Shouters Chats

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Podcasting in 2018 – A #ShoutersChat Recap is a post from ShoutMeLoud - Shouters Who Inspires

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