Friday 1 December 2017

9 Years of Blogging – Evolution of The Biggest Blogging Community [ 🎉 Anniversary Post]

Wait, so that is what you do for a living? You blog?

How do you make money? Blogging? You’ve got to be kidding me!

Those are the most common questions, combined with an expression of disbelief, us bloggers have to face when we talk about our work in social circles.

Today (1st December 2017) marks the 9th year of blogging for me. When I started, I knew I wanted to do this. But I would be lying if I say I had seen it all coming and that I would get this far, and successfully at that.

And believe me when I say this today, I have never been more proud of myself. Yes! I AM a blogger.

It may have been 9 years today, but it feels like yesterday when I borrowed my friend’s credit card to buy a hosting and domain name. That is exactly how ShoutMeLoud came into existence. It is hard to believe, but that, my friends, is the actual truth.

Statistically, today is the three thousand two hundred and eighty-fifth day of ShoutMeLoud. What this journey has taught me is more than what I have learned in my entire life.

From running a one-man blog to a community that has become a stepping stone for thousands into the world of blogging, this journey has been nothing but satisfying. That rewarding, satiating feeling I get in helping people become their own boss is hard to explain. And all this would never have been possible had I not had the awesomest people around me, like family and friends.


It’s not just the people who are part of the ShoutDreams team, but our readers (Shouters) like you who believed in the idea that people can live their lives on their own terms. That belief is what has guided ShoutMeLoud this far!

Unveiling the new brand identity: ShoutMeLoud

I would like to take this opportunity (our 9th anniversary) to proudly unveil the new brand identity of ShoutMeLoud. But before that let me quickly share the backstory of the ShoutMeLoud logo:

ShoutMeLoud Logo story:

Until today, we used two different logos – both created by my friends.

  •  Our rectangle logo 

This one was created by my architect friend who goes by the name Amit Arya. This has been our logo for the past 9 years and many of you have seen it on our social media profiles. This logo was created on the same day when ShoutMeLoud was born. Heartfelt thanks, Amit.

  •  Our main logo (Horizontal)

This logo was created by Honey Singh, a friend and a veteran blogger (not old though) and is now a partner at Arm Worldwide. This logo has gone through a lot of evolution and many of you are accustomed to the existing logo. Singh also designed the first ShoutMeLoud theme back in 2010 that laid the foundation of ShoutMeLoud’s design.

Even though ShoutMeLoud was started by me, it was never a one-man job. Others have contributed selflessly and that is what has made us one of the biggest bloggers’ community.

Over the last few months, we (Nimish, Sharat and I) worked tirelessly on the new design identity as we felt it is certainly important to have a coherent identity on all platform.

Today, on December 1, 2017, I’m unveiling a revamped brand identity for ShoutMeLoud that you are going to see from now onwards.

We loved our existing logos but with the evolving technology, we realized it is the time to have singularity in our brand identity. We brainstormed for months and probably roughed up over 40 designs before deciding on this:

Nimish took weeks, if not months, to come up with the new ShoutMeLoud Logo concept. This logo depicts what we are and also the initial of our brand “ShoutMeLoud”. Here is something in the words of the creator of this simple yet meaningful logo:

“For the new Identity we went back to the drawing board, the aim was to refresh the look with modern design trends, something that represents our growth in past 9 years. The quote marks have become a way to express yourself strongly and thus we used the quote marks to outline the letter “S”, making it minimalist & modern, and our ShoutMeLoud red color adds to the character.  The typography is kept simple and clean so readers can spend more and more time reading and loving our blog. After all, it’s user first.”

Here is the new homepage of ShoutMeLoud:

To share the joy, the team of ShoutMeLoud is running the biggest giveaways in the history of blogging. We talked to some of our friends in the industry and brought some of the best tools that will help you succeed in the world of blogging & digital marketing.

The BIGGEST giveaway in the history of Blogging:

This is the time of year where I want to extend my gratitude by offering you the best I can. We are giving away the best tools that will enable you to grow your blogging career. The total price of the giveaway is a whopping $10000. Read carefully to know more and participatea in the giveaways.

Here is what you can win:

  • 5 annual subscriptions of ShoutUniversity
  • 5 users will get access to the ShoutMeLoud Store
  • 5 users can win an annual subscription to Bluehost Hosting
  • 5 users can win an annual subscription to HostGator Hosting
  • 5 users can win one year’s license of OptinMonster
  • 5 users can win one year’s license of WPForms WordPress plugins
  • 5 users can win one year’s license of SocialPilot Social Media tool
  • 5 users can win one year’s license of WPAdvanced Ads Pro plugin
  • 5 users can win one year’s subscription of Elegant Themes
  • 5 users can win one year’s star license of TubeBuddy
  • 5 users can win one year’s license of ShoutPixels WordPress plugin
  • 5 users can win one year’s license of PushEngage
  • 5 users can win 2-month subscription of SEMRUSH


Most importantly: How to participate in the biggest giveaway in the history of blogging

We are giving away some of these awesome tools on our social media platform, ShoutMeLoud forum and on the blog. You can join in at any platform to get a chance to win.

For participating in the social media contest, join us on:

For participating on the forum: Join here

For Blog participation and rule: Join here  ( Will be updated in a moment)

And there is one more thing:

Thank you! This won’t have been possible without your contribution! 🙏🏻

Ta Da!

Harsh Agrawal

I would love to hear your feelings on this auspicious day in the comment section below. Do take a moment to share about ShoutMeLoud’s 9th anniversary on Social media.

Excited & Celebrating @ShoutMeLoud 9th Anniversary 🎉 with @denharsh #ShoutMeLoud
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9 Years of Blogging – Evolution of The Biggest Blogging Community [ 🎉 Anniversary Post] is a post from ShoutMeLoud - Shouters Who Inspires

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