Friday 20 September 2024

How to Redesign a WordPress Website (Beginner’s Guide)

Is your WordPress site underperforming? Dropping traffic, low conversion rates, poor mobile experience, or slow loading times are clear signs it’s time for a redesign. But tackling a redesign can be daunting, as you might worry about losing SEO rankings.

At WPBeginner, we’ve redesigned our site multiple times, learning what works and what doesn’t through trial and error. Along the way, we’ve developed strategies to make the process smoother and more effective.

In this guide, we will walk you through every step of redesigning your WordPress site, from determining if you really need a redesign to choosing the best redesign method.

How to Redesign a WordPress Website

When Should You Redesign Your WordPress Website?

You might be tempted to redesign your WordPress website simply because you’re feeling bored with its current look. However, a redesign can be time-consuming, so it’s important to consider several factors before diving in.

Mainly, you will want to be sure that redesigning your website is actually a worthwhile undertaking.

For instance, if your existing WordPress website is losing traffic, it might be time for a redesign. A drop in traffic often indicates that your site no longer meets user expectations.

Also, first impressions matter online. If your site looks old-fashioned, it may not reflect well on your brand or business.

A poor user experience, like visitors struggling to find important information, is another clear sign that a WordPress website redesign is needed. We once addressed this in a previous redesign by improving content discoverability with helpful sidebar links and mega menus.

WPBeginner Full Screen Mobile Search and Sidebar Search Widget

Speed is another important factor if you are considering a redesign of your WordPress website. Maybe you’ve tried everything to optimize your site performance, but it’s still not up to par. This could be a sign that your current WordPress site design is too heavy and you need to make it more lightweight.

The same goes for mobile-friendliness. Perhaps you’ve tried various responsive design tips, but your site still doesn’t work well on mobile devices. This could be because your current theme is simply too old, and you need to switch to a more mobile-friendly theme.

If your website no longer accurately represents your brand or offerings, consider a redesign. We recently revamped the WPBeginner homepage to better reflect our expertise and authority in the WordPress space.

WPBeginner home page

Last but certainly not least, if your site isn’t turning visitors into customers or subscribers as effectively as it should, then a redesign could help improve your bottom line and strengthen your online presence.

If you check some or all of these boxes, don’t worry. The next section will walk you through our go-to WordPress website redesign checklist. We’ll cover what you need to do before, during, and after the design process.

Feel free to use the quick links below to navigate through the steps:

1. Collect Website Performance Data

You might be thinking, ‘I already know I’m losing traffic and conversions, so why do I need to collect website performance data before I redesign WordPress?’

Well, it’s important to confirm these issues with hard data. Plus, when you redesign your WordPress website, you’ll want to know if your efforts are paying off.

By collecting performance data from your current website, you create benchmarks to compare against after the redesign. This way, you can measure whether your new design actually translates to better results.

To make this process easier, we recommend using the MonsterInsights plugin for Google Analytics. We have used the tool extensively to help improve the performance of our websites. We even wrote a full MonsterInsights review.

This plugin allows you to connect your WordPress site with Google Analytics, giving you access to vital performance metrics right in your WordPress dashboard.

Viewing real-time stats in MonsterInsights

For a WordPress website redesign, we suggest checking and using these marketing data points as benchmarks:

  • Overall traffic – The total number of visitors to your site. It can help you understand your website’s reach and whether the redesign improves overall visibility.
  • Bounce rate – The percentage of visitors who leave after viewing only one page. It can tell you whether your new design better engages users and improves your site speed.
  • Conversion rate – The percentage of visitors who complete a desired action (like making a purchase or signing up). You can determine if the redesign improves your site’s effectiveness in achieving its goals.
  • Top performing pages – Which pages visitors view most often, helping you protect popular content during the redesign and understand what your audience likes.
  • Top traffic sources – Where your visitors are coming from (search engines, social media, etc.), helping you design your new site to better cater to these channels and maintain or improve traffic flow.
  • Average session duration – How long visitors typically stay on your site so that you can see if the redesign makes your content more valuable to users.
  • Page views per session – How many pages a visitor typically views. It can indicate whether your new design improves navigation and encourages users to explore more content.
  • Mobile vs desktop traffic split – The proportion of visitors using mobile devices versus desktop computers. You can use this information to guide your redesign efforts and cater to the most widely-used devices.

You can learn more in our article on the most important metrics you must track on your WordPress site.

With MonsterInsights, you can also use the ‘Conversations AI’ feature to get quick answers about your data.

MonsterInsights conversational AI preview

For example, you could ask, ‘What was my conversion rate in the last month?’ This feature makes it easy to access the information you need without diving deep into complex analytics reports.

2. Run a WordPress Website Audit

Before you start to redesign WordPress, you need to understand the actions and factors that led to the performance metrics you collected in the previous step. This way, you can make informed decisions about what to change and what to keep.

To gain these insights, you need to conduct a website audit, which is a series of actions you do to understand the user experience on your existing website.

We recommend asking for your users’ opinions directly so that you can understand their needs, preferences, and pain points straight from the source.

The UserFeedback plugin is an excellent tool for this, allowing you to add surveys to your site and quickly collect visitor opinions. We use the plugin on our own websites, and you can learn more in our complete UserFeedback review.

You can check out our comprehensive guide to learn more about gathering website design feedback in WordPress. We’ve also compiled a list of user experience feedback questions to ask your website visitors.

UserFeedback survey widget editor

You will also want to evaluate your user journey. Visitors typically follow predictable steps before making a purchase or submitting a form, and there may be obstacles in their journey.

If you’re using MonsterInsights, the User Journey addon can help track customer journeys on popular WordPress eCommerce platforms like WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, and MemberPress.

For instance, in WooCommerce, you can view a user’s entire journey, including all interactions, times, and durations.

For more details, see our guides enabling customer tracking in WooCommerce and tracking the customer journey using MemberPress.

User journey in MonsterInsights

For websites focused on lead generation, using WPForms alongside the User Journey addon is a great solution. It shows the referral source that brought users to your site and the path they took before submitting a form.

Note: We have personally used WPForms on several websites for our other brands and have helped customers set it up on their websites. We think it offers the best and most straightforward approach to form building, and it integrates seamlessly with lots of the most popular WordPress plugins. For more details, check out our WPForms review.

This information helps you understand which content engages users most effectively. Learn more in our complete guide on tracking user journey on WordPress lead forms.

Install user journey addon in WordPress

Heatmap tools are another essential part of your website development audit. They visually represent how visitors navigate your pages, providing insights that raw data alone can’t offer.

We personally recommend Microsoft Clarity, which we use across many of our brand websites. It’s a free tool that offers heatmaps, scroll tracking, and click tracking.

To get started with Clarity, check out our guide on installing Microsoft Clarity analytics in WordPress.

Heatmap showing user interactions on a website

3. Decide to Keep Your Site Live or Put It in Maintenance Mode

One of the most important decisions to make when you redesign WordPress is whether to work on your live website or put it in maintenance mode. This choice can significantly impact your user experience and search engine rankings during the redesign process.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you make the right decision:

  • How extensive is your redesign? For example, are you just changing the homepage or redoing the whole site?
  • How long will the redesign take? Is it a quick update you can do in a few days, or a big change that needs weeks?
  • Can your site be offline for a while? Think about if your business can handle being down for some time.
  • How many visitors does your site get? A high-traffic site will suffer more from downtime than a smaller, personal blog.
  • Will you change how your site is set up? Are you just updating how it looks, or are you moving things around and changing web addresses?
  • Does your site run important parts of your business? For instance, do you have an online store that needs to stay open, or is your site mainly for information?

In general, we recommend keeping your site live during the redesign, especially if the process will take a while and/or if your business operations will be significantly impacted by downtime. It’s also a good option if you don’t want your site’s SEO to get impacted.

In this case, you’ll need to set up a staging site or local development environment. This allows you to experiment with your redesign without affecting your live site.

A staging site is essentially a copy of your live website where you can safely make changes. These days, many hosting providers offer one-click staging features, including SiteGround (where we host WPBeginner).

For more information, check out our guide on how to create a staging environment for WordPress.

Siteground staging site created

Alternatively, you might consider a local development site. This option involves creating a copy of your website on your personal computer, offering even more privacy and faster development times.

We recommend using the Local WP tool for this purpose, which many of our team members use to test new features. You can learn more about this in our article on how to install WordPress locally on Windows and Mac.

The Local WP homepage

If your redesign is relatively quick and won’t disrupt critical business functions, putting your site in maintenance mode for a short period might be acceptable. That being said, you should be aware of the risks.

Putting your site in maintenance mode can impact your SEO and may require you to set up some redirects. This isn’t a big problem for small, personal websites, but it can be tricky for bigger sites with lots of visitors.

Our preferred method is to use the SeedProd page builder. Besides turning on maintenance mode for your WordPress site, it lets you make a nice-looking page to tell visitors about your upcoming changes and even generate leads by creating a waitlist landing page.

What’s more, it can tell search engines your site is just temporarily down by sending a special signal called the 503 status, which is what Google suggests doing.

Capturing leads with SeedProd

If you are interested in this option, you may want to check out our full SeedProd review.

4. Choose a WordPress Redesign Method

When it comes to redesigning your WordPress website, you have 3 main options: customizing your existing theme, choosing a new theme and customizing it, or hiring a professional WordPress design service.

Let’s explore each method’s pros and cons to help you decide which is best for your redesign process.

Option 1: Customize Existing Theme

Best for: Site owners who are generally happy with their current design but want to refresh its look or add new features.

Pros of customizing your existing WordPress theme:

  • Familiar with the current setup
  • Potentially quicker, easier, and more affordable
  • Maintains consistency for regular visitors

Cons of customizing your existing WordPress theme:

  •  Limited by existing theme structure

If you want to stick with your current theme but want to get more customization options, then we recommend using plugins like CSS Hero and WPCode.

CSS Hero is a visual CSS editor plugin that lets you customize your WordPress theme’s CSS visually. That means you don’t need to touch any code to modify the theme, but any changes you make will affect its CSS.

You can learn more about the plugin in our CSS Hero review.

Selecting a block in CSS Hero

On the other hand, WPCode is a code snippet plugin that lets you add custom code snippets to your theme without dealing with the theme files directly. Whenever there’s an error in the code, the plugin will disable it, and your theme won’t get affected.

The best part is it can preserve your code changes even when your theme gets an update, so you won’t lose your customizations.

You can read our WPCode review for more details.

Setting a default fallback image with WPCode

If you need some inspiration on what you can do to customize your current website, here are some articles you can check out:

Option 2: Choose a New Theme and Customize It

Best for: Those looking for a significant design change without the cost of a fully custom solution. Or people who want to take advantage of new theme features.

Pros of using a new WordPress theme:

  • Fresh start with modern design options
  • Access to new features and layouts
  • Potential for improved website performance

Cons of using a new WordPress theme:

  • Potential learning curve with a new theme
  • Careful setup is required to avoid compatibility issues

When selecting a new theme, make sure to pick one that is fast, responsive, compatible with your current plugins, and regularly supported. You should also think about its value for money and customization options so that you can edit your WordPress site exactly how you want it.

If you’re considering a premium theme, you can read our guide on free vs premium WordPress themes to help you make your decision. Also, make sure to follow our guide on properly changing a WordPress theme to avoid common errors.

For a more flexible solution, we recommend SeedProd, a drag-and-drop page builder with dozens of theme kits and templates. This is also what we use to design custom landing pages for ourselves and our brands.

In fact, our friends at OptinMonster used SeedProd to redesign their landing page and increased their conversions by 340%.

OptinMonster's responsive landing page

With this drag-and-drop page builder, you will get a theme and a flexible tool to customize it, so you can make a unique design without any technical skills. Plus, you’ll get access to AI tools to generate content and custom images for your pages.

You can learn more about SeedProd in these guides:

Alternatively, you can browse our list of the most popular WordPress themes.

Editing SeedProd's text block with AI

Option 3: Hire a Custom WordPress Website Design Service

Best for: Business owners or bloggers who want a unique, professional design tailored to their specific needs and don’t have the time or skills to create it themselves.

Pros of hiring a professional WordPress design service:

  • Unique, professional WordPress theme design
  • WordPress theme that’s tailored to your specific needs
  • No need for personal design or coding skills

Cons of hiring a professional WordPress design service:

If you’re tired of cookie-cutter designs, then this is an excellent option for you. Of course, the challenge is finding the right WordPress designers to work with. We have a list of top WordPress agencies if you want some hand-picked recommendations.

That being said, you may want to check out our WPBeginner Pro Services.

WPBeginner Pro Services for designing a custom WordPress site

For designing a custom WordPress site, we offer:

  • A dedicated project manager to oversee the redesign process
  • Multiple WordPress website design revisions
  • Training for you to learn how to manage your new site
  • Full WooCommerce setup for online stores
  • Search engine and performance optimization

Rebuilding an existing site starts at $599, which will get you a responsive website design of up to 5 pages, 2 rounds of revisions, and analytics setup.

Think of it as an investment for your online presence that can lead to improved user experience, better search engine rankings, and, ultimately, increased conversions and revenue for your business.

If you’re not sure, you can book a free consultation with our team today.

5. Back Up Your WordPress Website

Let’s say you’re already redesigning your site. Before you make it live, you need to do one step that you should not skip: back up your current WordPress website.

Here’s why backing up is so important:

  • Protection against errors – If something goes wrong during the transition, you can easily restore your site.
  • Protection against backlash – If users react negatively to the new design, you can quickly revert to the old one.
  • Preserving important data – It ensures you don’t lose any valuable content or settings during the redesign.
  • Peace of mind – Knowing you have a backup allows you to launch your site with confidence.

We recommend using a backup plugin like Duplicator for this task. Duplicator makes it easy to create and manage backups directly on your website.

Once created, you can store the backup file on your computer. Or, for added security, upload it to cloud storage services like Dropbox.

Select restore single site

Restoring your site with Duplicator is also straightforward – you can simply drag and drop the backup file. The plugin also allows you to set a recovery point, enabling you to quickly restore your site to a prior date if needed.

6. Launch Your Site and Run Another Audit

At this stage, you’re ready to publish your newly redesigned site and show it to your audience.

If you’re putting your website on maintenance mode with SeedProd, then you can just deactivate that mode so that everyone can access your site. You can refer to our guide on WordPress maintenance mode for more details.

Removing the under construction page

If you’ve been developing your site locally, then you can read our guide on how to move WordPress from a local server to a live site.

Meanwhile, if you have been using a staging site in your WordPress hosting, then you can simply use its deploy feature to make your site live. For example, with Bluehost, you can use the Bluehost WordPress plugin to deploy all your changes in a few clicks.

You can learn more about it in our guide on WordPress staging environments.

Choose the Deploy All Changes option from the Staging Site option

Once your site is live, you can’t relax just yet. You need to make sure everything works right.

One thing you need to pay attention to is your SEO settings. If you decide to restructure your web pages, then you will need to set up redirects and update your internal links to reflect any URL changes. Otherwise, search engines won’t be able to crawl your site properly.

This process can take a long time, so we recommend using the All in One SEO (AIOSEO) plugin for this. It’s also what we use for WPBeginner to make sure our site is always optimized for search engines. For more details, check out our complete All in One SEO review.

You can use AIOSEO to easily find broken links on your entire website content. If it does, you can quickly replace the existing URL with a new one so that users don’t end up seeing an error page.

Updating a broken link using AIOSEO

AIOSEO also lets you set up 301 redirections easily. This will be handy if your redesign involves restructuring your website hierarchy.

You can read our beginner’s guide to creating 301 redirects in WordPress for more information.

Enter Source URL and Target URL

Other than that, we also recommend doing an SEO audit to check for missing SEO titles, meta descriptions, canonical link tags, SSL certificates, speed issues, and more. These are important elements that can make or break your visibility on search engines.

Check out our WordPress SEO audit checklist for a step-by-step guide.

The Basic SEO analysis in AIOSEO

Lastly, do the same checks we talked about in step 2 when we said to run a website audit. Use heatmaps and look at your Google Analytics data to make sure no one is having trouble with your new site.

7. Continuously Maintain Your WordPress Site

The job of a website owner is never ending. Even after you launch your site, you still need to do some routine maintenance tasks to make sure that your site doesn’t become slow, vulnerable to attacks, or start showing errors.

Don’t be intimidated, though. We have a guide that breaks down the most important WordPress maintenance tasks you should do, from changing your passwords and updating your plugins to reviewing your security logs.

But if you find all this too hard and you have some budget to spare, then we recommend hiring our WordPress maintenance experts at WPBeginner Pro Services. You’ll get:

  • 24/7 WordPress maintenance and support
  • Around-the-clock uptime monitoring
  • Consistent WordPress core, theme, and plugin updates
  • Routine cloud backups and malware removal
  • On-demand emergency support

Our maintenance services start from $57.50 per month. While this costs some money, you can think of it as similar to getting a WordPress security plugin, but this one is a real person maintaining your site.

We can spot and solve complex issues that automated tools might miss and make decisions based on your specific needs and website goals. If you want to learn more, feel free to book a free consultation with us today.

WPBeginner WordPress website maintenance service

Remember, regular maintenance is key to keeping your newly redesigned WordPress site running smoothly and securely. Whether you choose to do it yourself or hire experts, make sure you have a plan in place to keep your site in top shape.

We hope this article has helped you learn how to redesign your WordPress website. You may also want to check out our article on things you must do before starting a WordPress design business and our expert picks of the best WordPress theme builder plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Redesign a WordPress Website (Beginner’s Guide) first appeared on WPBeginner.

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Thursday 19 September 2024

7 Best Small Business Website Builders (Tested & Compared)

For over 15 years, we have built and managed our websites using, and it has been an amazing platform for our needs. That’s why we thoroughly recommend it to anyone looking to start a small business website.

However, we recognize that every company has unique needs, which is why we have explored other small business website builders, including Squarespace, Wix, and

We reviewed and tested the most popular website builders by downloading and making real websites with them. This helped us gain firsthand experience with their features, user interfaces, and overall performance.

It also allowed us to identify each builder’s strengths and weaknesses, ensuring we can offer accurate recommendations tailored to your specific needs.

In this article, we will share our list of the best small business website builders, along with their pros and cons.

Best Small Business Website Builders

If you are in a hurry, then take a quick look at our expert picks to make a decision.

# Website Builder Best For Pricing
🥇 Powerful small business website Free
🥈 Wix Appointment bookings and management $4/month + Free
🥉 Squarespace Photographers and subscription-based services $25/month
4 HubSpot Basic small business websites Free
5 Gator Website Builder Freelancers and simple business sites $3.46/month
6 WooCommerce Small online stores Free
7 Managed website builder $9/month + Free

How We Tested and Reviewed Small Business Website Builders

If you want to launch a small business website without having to write any code, then using a website builder is the quickest and most cost-effective option. That being said, there are a lot of website builders to pick from.

We have downloaded and built real websites with the most popular website builders to help you choose the right one for your business. When doing that, we paid special attention to the following criteria.

  • Ease of use: We have prioritized website builders that have a beginner-friendly interface, an easy onboarding process, a huge community, and extensive documentation.
  • Features: An ideal builder for a small business site will have features like a drag-and-drop interface, premade templates, scalability, and affordable pricing.
  • Reliability: We have only included the small business website builders that we have tested ourselves. We also paid attention to customer reviews and support to look for common issues.

Why Trust WPBeginner?

WPBeginner is a team of experts with 15+ years of experience in WordPress, SEO, design, website creation, and more.

We thoroughly tested and reviewed each website builder on this list to give you the best recommendations. For more information, see our complete editorial process.

Having said that, let’s take a look at the best small business website builders on the market.

1. is the best website builder for small businesses because it is free, open source, and scalable.

For over 15 years, we have built and managed successful websites like WPBeginner and WPForms using this website builder. has been instrumental in our growth because it’s easy to use and hasn’t slowed us down as our websites have become more popular.

For more details, see our complete WordPress review.

The platform is super flexible and allows you to add any kind of functionality to your site using its library of 59,000+ free WordPress plugins. Plus, you can use popular themes to customize your site and make it visually appealing for visitors.

For this reason, it is highly popular and used by over 43% of the sites on the internet. gives you complete control over your site, and it can also integrate with popular page builders like SeedProd to launch your small business in just a few minutes.

SeedProd Website Builder for Business Theme

Other than that, opting for allows you to own your website and its content. This means that you are free from limitations and intrusive ads often found in free website builder plans.

Plus, as your business thrives, your website can scale alongside it, as can easily handle high traffic volumes, allowing you to build a website that grows with your ambition.

Expert Tip: Looking for a WordPress website without all the hassle of creating it? Our team of experts can design a custom, attractive WordPress site that is optimized for SEO and conversions. Check out our WPBeginner Website Design Services today!


  • We love’s huge community of users and developers because it makes it easier to find help and tutorials online if you run into any issues while building your website.
  • This platform is used by many popular brands like Sony Music, Disney Books, Taylor Swift, and more.
  • The website builder is translated into over 75 languages, meaning you can create a multilingual site with it.
  • It can be used to create any kind of website like a blog, membership site, online store, travel business, selling furniture, and more. We have used to build online stores and blogs and have had a great experience.


  • From years of using WordPress, we know how frustrating and time-consuming it can be to maintain all the WordPress core, plugins, and theme updates yourself. This means you may need to pay for WordPress maintenance.
  • Even though itself is free, you will still need to purchase a domain name and hosting.

Why we recommend Overall, is the best small business website builder because it is free and allows you to customize your site however you want. You won’t have to use a single line of code to launch your small business with this option.

For more details, see our beginner’s guide on how to make a WordPress website.

2. Wix

Wix website builder

Wix is another great option for small businesses. It is a powerful website builder with a drag-and-drop editing interface and a vast library of pre-made templates for all kinds of industries and niches.

We evaluated Wix by creating a test website and found it to be a user-friendly platform particularly well-suited for people new to website building. Its intuitive interface makes it easy to create websites without requiring technical knowledge.

Wix Website Builder Interface

The platform is fully hosted, so you won’t have to purchase a hosting plan, and it offers a free SSL certificate to all its users. It also has hundreds of free and paid apps, which are like plugins, and will add different functionalities to your small business site.

Additionally, Wix offers basic SEO tools that suggest relevant keywords, generate sitemaps, optimize images, and customize meta tags.

We were highly impressed by Wix’s SEO Wizard, which simplifies the process of optimizing websites for search engines. Its step-by-step instructions make it an excellent choice for beginners who want to improve their website’s SEO.

For more information, you can see our comparison of Wix vs. WordPress.


  • When we were testing Wix, we were impressed by its built-in artificial design intelligence (Wix ADI) that can design a website for you.
  • It offers security tools to help protect your site from hackers and malicious viruses.
  • Wix is optimized for mobile phones and offers an analytics feature to track your business site performance.
  • It has a Wix booking feature that lets you manage appointments and bookings online.


  • The platform shows Wix-branded ads on your website, which can annoy users and hurt your branding. You will need to upgrade to the paid plan to remove these ads.
  • When building a website with the platform, we realized it can be difficult to move your website from Wix to any other builder.

Why we recommend Wix: We recommend this platform if you have a hotel and want to open a website to manage bookings online. This is because it has a built-in Wix Bookings feature, which can really help you.

It is also a good option for an online store because it offers features like product listings, secure payments, and shipping management.

3. Squarespace


Squarespace is a great website builder known for its collection of modern templates. When creating a site with it, we found that the platform’s flexibility allows for easy switching between these layouts.

This enables users to explore different options and find the ideal design for their business.

You can create stunning websites in minutes thanks to the builder’s drag-and-drop interface and mobile-responsive design. Squarespace’s powerful features let you showcase your work using portfolios and galleries, making it ideal for creatives and businesses.

The platform even comes with a huge app market with thousands of apps that you can add to your website to extend its functionality, like contact forms, social media integration, popups, and more.

Other than that, Squarespace has a special eCommerce plan to create an online store, manage inventory, accept payments, and more.


  • You can also sell subscription-based services and products with the platform.
  • Upon testing, we found out that Squarespace lets you upload and edit images efficiently right in its builder.
  • It is a self-hosted platform, so you won’t have to worry about hosting plans.
  • Squarespace has some basic SEO and analytics features.


  • The website builder offers limited integrations with third-party tools, which can restrict your growing site.
  • We didn’t like that it offers limited customization options for its premade templates. This can be a con for those looking for a more flexible builder.
  • Squarespace can be a bit expensive if you are on a shoestring budget.

Why we recommend Squarespace: If your small business is related to photography, art, or design, then Squarespace is a good choice due to its huge library of visually appealing templates.

It is also a good choice for selling subscription-based services. For more details, see our comparison of Squarespace vs. WordPress.

4. HubSpot Website Builder

HubSpot Website Builder

HubSpot Website Builder is an amazing choice for building a small business website. Our experience in building a demo site with it showed us its potential to streamline website creation and boost your online presence.

For more information on our experience with HubSpot, you can see our complete HubSpot review.

HubSpot has a user-friendly drag-and-drop builder, comes with a bunch of pre-built themes, and integrates with the HubSpot CRM, where you can store all your customer data.

The builder also provides special SEO tools to optimize pages for search engines and offers built-in security to protect your website from malware and other attacks.

Additionally, we love that the website builder is free and comes with free hosting, making it a great choice if you are just starting your small business.


  • HubSpot has an AI-powered tool to help create a simple website by answering a few questions about your business.
  • We particularly liked the adaptive testing feature where you can choose up to five variations of a page, and HubSpot will monitor and serve the best-performing option.
  • You can create WordPress forms, landing pages, live chat, and chatbots on your website.
  • You can also track your website traffic and see how visitors are interacting with your website.


  • When evaluating the tool, we realized that HubSpot itself doesn’t have built-in eCommerce functionality. That is why we don’t recommend it if you plan on starting an online store.
  • As your site grows, the pricing can be expensive.

Why we recommend HubSpot Website Builder: If you have a small business and are planning to just have a small website, then this is an ideal solution.

5. Gator Website Builder

Gator Website Builder

Gator is a popular website builder by HostGator that is a great option for making a small business site. We thoroughly tested the tool to evaluate its user interface and overall effectiveness in creating a visually appealing website and found it pretty easy to use.

Gator offers a free domain name, SSL certificate, and hosting plan to all its users at affordable prices, making it a great choice if you are just starting your business.

Other than that, it even has a library of stock photos that you can use in your blog posts to make your content visually appealing.


  • You can easily link a website created by Gator to any social media platform like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
  • We like its SEO and analytics tools that can improve site rankings and track your business performance.
  • Gator has eCommerce features like product listings, shopping carts, and payment processing to set up an online store.


  • Gator does not have a free plan.
  • When making a website with the tool, we found that it offers limited design and customization flexibility for your website.

Why we recommend Gator Website Builder: If you are looking for a tool to build a simple business site that shows your opening hours, contact information, and services, then Gator is a great choice.

It is also a good option if you are a freelancer and want to build a resume site to attract more clients.

6. WooCommerce


WooCommerce is the best website builder for eCommerce sites. If you plan to sell any products on your small business site, then this is the best option for you.

Our experience with WooCommerce has been super positive. We have used the tool in the past to sell products online. It’s reliable and user-friendly, and you can learn more in our WooCommerce review.

Additionally, WooCommerce can seamlessly integrate with WordPress and has an easy onboarding process that allows you to set up a store in just a few minutes. You can efficiently manage your inventory, display products, and collect payments with 83+ payment options and many WooCommerce plugins and extensions.

WooCommerce also has a large and active community of users, which means you can find plenty of support and resources online if you run into any errors. Other than that, it is designed to be SEO-friendly and helps your store rank higher in the search results.

For more information, you can see our beginner’s guide on WooCommerce made simple.


  • The platform has a lot of free and paid WooCommerce plugins that can add all kinds of functionality to your website.
  • Upon testing, we realized that WooCommerce integrates with most third-party tools, such as email marketing services, help desk software, and live chat software.
  • With the help of All in One SEO, which is the best SEO plugin, you can also add product schema to your WooCommerce store products. This can boost your site rankings.


  • WooCommerce itself is free. However, to launch your small business site, you will need to purchase a domain name and hosting.
  • We didn’t like that you have to manually update WooCommerce, create backups, and perform routine maintenance tasks. This can be time-consuming and annoying for some users.

Why we recommend WooCommerce: If you plan to sell products like clothing, pet supplies, and more on your business site, then WooCommerce is the best option for you.

7. is a managed WordPress hosting service and user-friendly platform for creating websites without technical knowledge.

Keep in mind that is completely different from, which is a self-hosted platform. For more details, see our comparison on vs.

This platform offers pre-designed themes, core blogging features like creating and scheduling posts, and basic media management.

Plus, it handles backups and site maintenance automatically, so you won’t have to worry about anything.

However, while offers a free plan to get started, it displays ads and restricts plugin access, which can limit your website’s functionality and customization. The Personal and Premium plans also have these limitations.

That is why we recommend the Business plan for $25 to create a fully customizable small business website with access to plugins. On the other hand, if your goal is to sell products online, then the Commerce plan for $45 is the better option. It includes all the features of the Business plan with WooCommerce integration.


  • has a clean interface, which makes it ideal for beginners.
  • We particularly liked its mobile responsiveness because about 60% of website traffic comes from mobile devices.
  • offers great customer support to all the users who have upgraded to the paid version of the platform.


  • If you opt for the Commerce plan, then you will have to pay a transaction fee of 4-8% in addition to standard processing fees.
  • While offers a user-friendly platform to build websites, it functions more like a managed WordPress hosting service compared to self-hosted This means you have less control over customization and functionality due to limitations on plugins.

Why we recommend If you want to create a simple business site, then can be a good solution. However, if you are on a budget, then you are better off using self-hosted with other affordable hosting companies like Bluehost, Hostinger, or SiteGround.

Which Is the Best Small Business Website Builder?

In our expert opinion, is the best small business website builder because it is free, scalable, and flexible. Plus, it gives you complete control over your site by allowing you to add kinds of functions using different plugins and themes.

However, if your small business manages bookings and appointments, then Wix is also a great solution due to its Wix Bookings feature.

Similarly, Squarespace is a good choice for photographers, artists, and designers because it has modern template designs.

But if you just plan to create an online store, then we recommend WooCommerce.

Frequently Asked Questions About Small Business Website Builders

Here are some questions that are frequently asked by our readers about website builders for small businesses.

How much do website builders typically cost?

An average website builder can cost you about $3-$30/month. However, most builders also offer a free plan or a trial period where you can try out the builder before purchasing it.

You can also opt for, which is self-hosted and completely free. Just remember that you will still need to purchase a domain name and hosting plan and that can increase overall costs.

Can I switch website builders later on?

Yes, you can switch your website builder later on. However, the process can be difficult depending on the website builder you used previously and the complexity of your site.

That is why we recommend choosing the builder that meets all your needs right from the start. To get an idea of how to switch builders, see our tutorial on how to move your blog from to

Do website builders offer SEO tools?

Some website builders like Gator offer basic SEO tools like keyword optimization, meta description editing, and sitemap creation.

However, to completely optimize your site for SEO, we recommend using a plugin like All in One SEO and following all the best practices. For more information, see our ultimate SEO guide.

Related Guides for Small Business Websites

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The post 7 Best Small Business Website Builders (Tested & Compared) first appeared on WPBeginner.

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Wednesday 18 September 2024

Are Premium WordPress SEO Plugins Worth It? (+ How to Choose)

Let’s face it: getting your website noticed is incredibly important for its success. And in our experience, most websites get the bulk of their traffic from search engines.

More traffic means more customers, more sales, and more profit. So, you might be looking for a quality SEO tool to improve your search rankings and attract more visitors.

With so many SEO tools available, both free and paid, it’s natural to wonder whether paying for a premium plugin is worth the money.

In this article, we’ll share our firsthand experience using both free and premium WordPress SEO plugins. We’ll explore the extra features premium tools offer and the impact they can have on your website’s traffic and success.

Are Premium WordPress SEO Plugins Worth It?

Choosing the Right SEO Tool for Your WordPress Website

WordPress users have a lot of options when it comes to plugins that help optimize websites for search engines. But with so many tools that promise to boost your rankings, it’s hard to know where to start.

Here at WPBeginner, we get tons of questions from readers asking which SEO plugin is the best for making it to the top spots in search results.

In response, we created a detailed showcase of the best SEO plugins and tools. These tools can help you increase your website traffic by 20-30% within just a few months.

This list covers a wide range of use cases and includes leading plugins like All in One SEO (AIOSEO) and Yoast SEO, as well as standalone tools like Semrush and Ahrefs.

But here’s the catch. Many of these plugins offer both free and premium versions, leaving you with another decision to make.

While free versions provide a solid foundation for basic SEO, the premium upgrades promise to unlock advanced features designed to give your site an edge in search engine rankings.

So, are those premium features worth the investment? Do they really make a difference in your search rankings?

Let’s dive in and explore the unique capabilities of premium WordPress SEO tools and see how they can help your website make it into the top search results pages.

Tip: If you have the budget to spend money on SEO but prefer not to do the work yourself, then you can hire our affordable SEO experts at WPBeginner Pro Services to do it for you.

What Are the Benefits of Premium WordPress SEO Plugins?

At WPBeginner, we’ve been using premium SEO plugins for many years. Here are some of our favorite features and benefits:

1. Comprehensive SEO Audits

While free plugins provide basic on-page analysis, premium versions often offer more in-depth insights and recommendations.

They run comprehensive SEO audits on your website. This way, you get a clear idea of your site’s overall health from an SEO perspective. They scan all of your web pages and then highlight potential issues, recommending how to fix them.

We regularly use AIOSEO to analyze our content for readability, keyword usage, and overall optimization. It gives us access to an actionable SEO report inside our WordPress admin area that gives us a clear roadmap for improvement.

Complete SEO Checklist in AIOSEO

This is really helpful because search engine optimization is a complex procedure that takes time. Having a clear checklist of everything that needs to be improved simplifies the process so you can easily fix one issue at a time.

2. Advanced Sitemaps

Search engines need to find and index every page on your website before they can be displayed in search results.

Google recommends using sitemaps to help with this process. Sitemaps help search engines crawl up to 40% more pages, resulting in more of your content appearing in search results.

There are different types of sitemaps, such as XML sitemaps that help search engines discover and index your content and RSS sitemaps that notify them of updated content.

Enabling both of these will give you the biggest SEO benefits. With a premium WordPress SEO plugin, this is as easy as switching on a setting for each type of sitemap.

Enable sitemap

3. Powerful Redirects and 404 Monitoring

Broken links point to web pages that do not exist, leading to frustration and 404 error messages for your users. They are also bad for SEO and result in a 12% higher bounce rate.

Premium SEO plugins help you avoid broken links by automatically creating redirects when you rename a post or page or change its URL.

They also automatically track and log 404 errors so you can quickly redirect these URLs to existing posts as part of your regular WordPress maintenance.

404 Logs Under Redirects

This will make sure your visitors find the information they are looking for and avoid frustrating surprises when clicking links on your site.

4. Advanced Schema Markup

Schema markup is structured data that is added to your web pages behind the scenes. It helps search engines better understand your content and display it more prominently in search results.

For example, using recipe schema can make food blogs more visible in search results. It can increase your click-through rates by 30%, bringing valuable traffic to your website.

An example of a featured recipe snippet, in Google

But manually adding this structured data to your posts is very technical and time-consuming.

It’s much easier using a premium SEO plugin because it can add schema markup automatically. These tools also let you add more specific markup to individual posts with the click of a mouse, including FAQs, recipes, events, products, and more.

5. Internal Linking Suggestions

We always recommend that you add links to your own content throughout your website. This way, you help users find posts that are related to the topic they are reading about. These are called internal links and they are good for SEO, increasing page views by up to 40%.

The problem is that as you create more content, it becomes hard to find all the related blog posts you can link to. Searching for them manually becomes frustrating and takes a lot of time.

Premium SEO plugins help by automatically listing internal linking opportunities. With a click of your mouse, you can easily add these links to relevant posts along with an automatically generated phrase and anchor text, improving your SEO and saving you time.

Find internal link opportunities and orphaned pages

6. Social Media Optimization

We also use a premium WordPress SEO plugin for social media optimization because it allows us to control how our WPBeginner content appears when shared on platforms like Facebook and Twitter (X).

Instead of these platforms pulling random information and images from our posts, we can specify the title, description, and image that is used. This means that our posts are more likely to resonate with our social media followers, bringing more traffic to our site.

The WordPress social media sharing settings

7. Local SEO Optimization

If your business has physical locations, then premium SEO plugins can help optimize your site for local search results, including automatically generating location-specific schema markup that makes it easier for customers in your area to find you.

Potential customers will see your business on Google Maps and search results when looking for your type of business in their local area.

They will be able to see your address, phone number, and opening hours right from the search results page. Plus, they can even get turn-by-turn directions as they drive to your store.

Example of Google Business Profile

8. WooCommerce SEO

If you have an online store, you can also benefit from the specialized WooCommerce SEO features offered by premium plugins. These help you optimize your product pages so they are more visible in product searches.

Users will also be able to see customer reviews and star ratings, showing that other customers have had a positive experience with your products. This can help drive more traffic to your store.

Product Search Result Showing Star Ratings

9. Priority Support

When you’re running an online business website, having access to expert support can be invaluable. Premium versions usually offer priority support to help you resolve issues quickly.

This ensures that if you come across any problems or issues when using the plugin, then you can receive prompt help from experts and get back to the job of running your business.

For more details, you can see our guide on how to ask for WordPress support and get it.

What Is the Best Value Premium SEO Plugin?

If you’re serious about driving more organic traffic to your website, then subscribing to a premium SEO plugin like we have is a smart move.

Your next task is to decide which plugin or service to use. Your first question will probably be which plugin offers the best value for money.

All in One SEO vs. Yoast SEO Premium

AIOSEO and Yoast SEO are the leading WordPress SEO plugins and offer extensive features.

AIOSEO's homepage

However, there are important differences in their pricing and features.

When we compare the two plugins’ most affordable plans, AIOSEO is more affordable while offering comparable features:

  • AIOSEO’s Basic plan starts at $49.60 per year
  • Yoast SEO Premium starts at $99 per year

At first glance, the prices of their most powerful SEO plans look similar:

  • AIOSEO’s Elite plan costs $299.60 per year
  • Bundle pricing for Yoast SEO Premium, Yoast WooCommerce SEO, Yoast Local SEO, Yoast News SEO, and Yoast Video SEO costs $229 per year.

However, the difference is that AIOSEO’s plan covers 100 websites, while Yoast’s price is for a single site. Plus, AIOSEO offers a more comprehensive feature set.

When it comes to value for money, AIOSEO stands out. It offers a compelling package that covers multiple websites at a competitive price point.

You can learn more in our detailed comparison of Yoast SEO vs. All in One SEO.

You might also like to read about our journey switching from Yoast to All in One SEO to improve our SEO workflow and access the SEO features we need.

All in One SEO vs. Premium Standalone SEO Tools

If you don’t have the budget for standalone SEO tools like Semrush or Ahrefs, AIOSEO Premium offers a lot of impressive features for a great price.

To give you an idea, even when looking at the most affordable options, Semrush‘s most basic plan starts at $119.95 per month, and Ahrefs‘ lite plan starts at $99 per month.

While these tools are incredibly powerful, their starting prices come to more than $1,000 per year, which may not be justifiable for smaller websites or bloggers.

By contrast, you can subscribe to AIOSEO’s highest-tier Elite plan for far less money. It includes advanced features like local SEO, advanced WooCommerce support, and video SEO and costs less than $300 per year.

Besides that, AIOSEO focuses specifically on WordPress, making it easier to use and more tailored to your website’s needs. This makes it a cost-effective solution for agencies or businesses managing multiple WordPress sites.

Plus, if you run a small business or are just getting started, AIOSEO Premium’s features might be more than enough for your needs.

That said, if you’re looking for more SEO features at a lower cost, you can pair the plugin with an affordable tool like SEOBoost to get powerful content optimization options. This will give you AI-powered analyses, content audits, content briefs, and much more.

Or, if you need just a little extra help with keyword research, LowFruits is a great choice. It helps you generate keywords and analyze the SERPs to improve your rankings.

Premium WordPress SEO Plugins FAQ

Here are some questions we are asked most often about premium SEO plugins for WordPress:

What are premium SEO plugins?

Premium SEO plugins are paid versions of WordPress SEO tools that offer advanced features, enhanced optimization capabilities, and often superior support compared to their free alternatives.

How do premium SEO plugins differ from free SEO plugins?

Premium SEO plugins typically offer more advanced features like schema markup generators, content optimization tools, local SEO features, and dedicated support. Free plugins usually provide basic SEO functionality but may lack advanced features or regular updates.

Are premium SEO plugins necessary for good search engine rankings?

While not absolutely necessary, premium SEO plugins can significantly enhance your WordPress site’s optimization efforts, potentially leading to better search engine rankings. They often provide tools and features that can give you an edge in competitive markets.

Will a premium SEO plugin automatically improve my search rankings?

No SEO plugin can guarantee improved rankings. However, premium plugins provide advanced tools and guidance to help you optimize your site more effectively, which can contribute to better search performance.

How much do premium SEO plugins typically cost?

Prices vary, but most premium SEO plugins cost between $50 and $300 per year, depending on the features offered and the number of sites you can use them on.

Do I need to renew my premium SEO plugin license annually?

In most cases, yes. Annual renewals ensure you continue to receive updates, support, and access to new features. However, some plugins offer lifetime licenses.

Can I get a refund if I’m not satisfied with a premium SEO plugin?

Many premium plugin developers offer money-back guarantees for a certain period. Always check the refund policy before purchasing.

Currently, AIOSEO offers a 14-day money-back guarantee, and Yoast SEO has a 30-day guarantee.

We hope this tutorial helped you learn that, for many websites, premium plugins are definitely worth investing in. You may also want to see our guide on how to automate WordPress SEO or our expert pick of the best FAQ WordPress plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post Are Premium WordPress SEO Plugins Worth It? (+ How to Choose) first appeared on WPBeginner.

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