Friday 30 March 2018

WP Engine Recommends WP101 as a Top WordPress Education Site

We are proud to announce that WP Engine has named WP101 as a Recommended Solution for WordPress Education.

It’s no secret that we’re big fans of WP Engine. In fact, we’ve been a customer since March of 2012, back when there were just a couple thousand of us. Today, WP Engine powers hundreds of thousands of WordPress sites for more than 80,000 customers around the world!

As part of their award-winning customer experience, they filter through thousands of WordPress plugins and solutions, and then recommend the best of the best within the WP Engine Solution Center.

So, we’re incredibly honored that WP Engine has selected WP101 as a recommended WordPress education solution for WP Engine customers.

What is the WP Engine Solution Center?

The WP Engine Solution Center is a directory of carefully-vetted 3rd party services, plugins, and software that can help you optimize your WordPress site and create better digital experiences for your visitors.

Solutions in the directory are organized into 12 categories: site setup, development, speed, security, marketing, design, ecommerce, site enhancements, content, site elements (like forms, galleries, etc.), education, and service companies.

WP Engine Solution Center

WP Engine Recommends WP101 for WordPress Education

Check out the WP Engine Solution Center →

About WP Engine

WP Engine is the world’s leading WordPress digital experience platform that gives enterprises and agencies the agility, performance, intelligence, and integrations they need to drive their business forward faster. WP Engine’s combination of tech innovation and an award-winning team of WordPress experts are trusted by over 80,000 companies across over 140 countries to provide counsel and support helping brands create world-class digital experiences. Founded in 2010, WP Engine is headquartered in Austin, Texas, and has offices in San Francisco, California; San Antonio, Texas; London, England; and Limerick, Ireland.

Here’s an Exclusive Offer for WP101 Readers: Get 4 months free on any annual hosting plan at WP Engine when you use coupon code: WPE20OFF

WP Engine Recommends WP101 as a Top WordPress Education Site appeared first on WP101 WordPress Tutorials.

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How To Use To Make More Money From The Amazon Affiliate Program


Are you an Amazon affiliate partner & would like to earn more money without doing extra work?

If your answer is yes, then today is a lucky day for you.

Today, you will be learning about a crucial aspect of the Amazon affiliate program that could help you earn more money without lifting a finger.

Did you know the Amazon Associates program is country-specific?

This is one factor most newbies & intermediate Amazon affiliates don’t know. They end up leaving a lot of money on the table. Well, today I will show you exactly how you can take advantage of new technology to start earning more from the Amazon Associates program.

Many of the existing Amazon affiliate partners don’t know about one important thing:

  • Amazon doesn’t pay you for a sale which is made on stores in a different country other than the one you have signed up for.

Call it intelligent links, link localization, global linking, universal linking, or link globalization, it all means the same thing with regards to the Amazon ecosystem.

Here is a list of countries where you can create country-specific Amazon Associates profiles:

How To Start Using for Optimizing Amazon Earnings:

The concept of is brilliant for any internet marketer & I really like the way they’ve made it easy for anyone to get started. The onboarding is simple & once you have created a trial account, you can straight away track how effective this service is going to be for you.

Create free trial account

Connect Affiliate Program

You need to copy/paste your Amazon affiliate link to let auto-detect the country you are signed up for in the Amazon affiliate program.


Note: Copy your affiliate URL from the address bar & paste it as shown in the above screen. It will auto detect the location, but do cross-check before clicking on “Connect this Program”.

This is how it looks for me:


Adding iTunes Affiliate Program

To connect your iTunes affiliate program with, you just need to copy/paste the token from your PHG account:


I’m not utilizing the iTuens affiliate program via at this moment.

Creating Your First Link

Click on the “Links” tab & paste your first affiliate link.


You can learn how to create global Amazon affiliate links here.

Integrating with Your Website

The best part is they offer multiple ways to integrate on your website.

  • Javascript method:


This is the easiest method that works with every platform including BlogSpot. All you need to do is add the lines of code just before the closing </body> or </head> tag. You can use the Google Tag Manager to manage all such tags from one place.

If you have multiple websites, do take advantage of the “Group” feature.

  • WordPress Plugin (Amazon Link Engine):


If you are a WordPress blogger like me, you can use the official Amazon link plugin. All you need to do is create an API key from your account & configure the WordPress plugin with your API key.

After this, all existing links will be automatically redirected to the affiliate program.

Download the Amazon WordPress plugin

Note: They also have an iTunes Engine plugin which is for the iTunes affiliate program. Download the plugin here & learn about the iTunes affiliate program here.

Chrome Add-on


They also have a Chrome Add-on which lets you create the link directly from the product page. This is useful when you don’t want to use Javascript or the WordPress plugin.

Download the Chome Add-on

My Amazon Income Stats After Using for 30 Days:

Before using, I was only linking to the store. Once I integrated, I started sending traffic to all the Amazon stores based on a user’s geo-location. In the below graph, you can see the distribution based on click destination.


Here are the stats from my Amazon India Associates program which was generating no money before using


In the below screenshot you can see the earnings report from the Amazon U.K. Associates program.

Note: Ignore the amounts as we only promote a few products from Amazon.

amazon-uk-earning-report Pricing:

The pricing of is pretty simple as you only need to pay based on the number of clicks.

You can also try it for free with unlimited clicks for 14 days which is good enough for you to test out the service.

Take your 14-day free trial

Well, is indeed one such tool that every Amazon affiliate should use. Apart from affiliate marketing, you can also use it for various purposes. For example, you can use it to send users to different pages based on their device or geo-location.

The practical implementations are numerous & I’m pretty sure you will figure out a smart way to use this tool.

Alternative to for Amazon Associates: There is a WordPress plugin called Easy Azon which is not as powerful as, yet popular among marketers who are into the Amazon affiliate niche.

So give a try and let me know your experience in the comments below. I will be sharing a detailed case study on how much extra money I have made using in coming days.

Know someone who could benefit from this service? Share this post with them on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus!

Here are a few hand-picked guides for you to read next:

Subscribe on Youtube

How To Use To Make More Money From The Amazon Affiliate Program is a post from ShoutMeLoud - Shouters Who Inspires

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9 Best Testimonial Plugins for WordPress

Are you looking for the best testimonial plugins for your WordPress site? Testimonials add social proof to your website and help build trust among your users. In this article, we have hand-picked the best WordPress testimonial plugins that you can use on your website.

Best testimonial plugins for WordPress

1. Testimonial Rotator

Testimonial Rotator

Testimonial Rotator is an easy to use WordPress testimonials plugin. It allows you create a testimonial carousel and add rotating testimonials anywhere on your website.

You can also create multiple rotators and manually enter customer information such as feedback, job title, and photo. For detailed step by step instructions, see our article on how to add rotating testimonials in WordPress.

2. Easy Testimonials

Easy Testimonials

Want to allow customers to submit reviews and display them on your website? Easy Testimonials allows you to add a customer feedback form on your website, so you can collect testimonials. You can also manually enter testimonials from your WordPress admin area.

After that, you can easily display testimonials using a simple shortcode. For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to add a customer reviews page in WordPress.

3. Testimonials Widget

Testimonials widget

Testimonials Widget is another flexible WordPress testimonials plugin. Despite the name, it allows you to add testimonials anywhere on your website.

It comes with a sidebar widget allowing you to easily display testimonials in sidebars. Testimonials are displayed in a carousel with a beautiful slide-in and fade effects.

4. Strong Testimonials

Strong testimonials

Strong Testimonials is one of the most customizable WordPress testimonial plugins. It comes with multiple display options including testimonial slider, grid layout, masonry layout, single column layout, and more.

It also includes a custom form allowing your customers to easily add their reviews and testimonials. If you have been getting customer reviews on social media, then this plugin can also embed Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more.

5. Testimonial Basics

Testimonial Basics

Testimonial Basics is a complete testimonial management solution for your WordPress website. It includes multiple display styles, sidebar widget, and a feedback form to collect user testimonials.

User-submitted testimonials use Gravatar to fetch client photo. However, you can also manually upload photos directly from your WordPress admin area.

6. WP Testimonials with rotator widget

WP Testimonials

WP Testimonials is a simple yet highly customizable testimonials plugin. It allows you to easily add testimonials and sort them into categories and tags.

After creating testimonials, you can display them using a shortcode. This shortcode comes with many parameters that you can use to customize the appearance of testimonials. The plugin also comes with a widget with the same options as the shortcode offer.

7. BNE Testimonials

BNE Testimonials

BNE Testimonials is another easy to use option for adding testimonials to your WordPress site. It comes with a shortcode and a sidebar widget to easily display testimonials.

It has a slider and plain list layout for testimonials, which inherits your theme’s style for display.

8. Testimonial


Testimonial is a straight-forward WordPress testimonials plugin with simple options and the ability to choose your own colors.

It has draggable box items and allows you to choose different fonts, font-sizes, text color, and featured photo. The plugin does not have a slider or rotator, so testimonials will be displayed in grid or list style.

9. Testimonial Slider

Testimonial Slider

Testimonial Slider offers a modern WordPress testimonial slider with an improved user experience. It comes with a slider as well as plain list layout. You can also add a front-end contact form to collect customer testimonials.

You can add testimonials anywhere using the shortcode or sidebar widget. The testimonial slider is touch / mobile friendly and works great on all screen sizes.

We hope this article helped you find the best testimonial plugin for your WordPress website. You may also want to see our complete list of must have WordPress plugins for business websites.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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Thursday 29 March 2018

How to Embed a Facebook Video in WordPress

Do you want to embed a Facebook video in WordPress? With the recent popularity of Facebook Live and Facebook videos platform, several of our users asked if it was possible to embed Facebook videos in WordPress. In this article, we will show you how to easily embed a Facebook video and Facebook live video in WordPress.

How to embed Facebook video in WordPress

Why Add Facebook Videos in WordPress?

We tell our users that they should never upload videos to WordPress. Instead, we recommend using a video sharing site like YouTube.

While YouTube is currently the world’s largest video hosting platform, Facebook is the biggest social network, and their videos are growing fast.

Recently, Facebook introduced auto-play and Facebook live video features. Marketers all over the world are raving about these features because they increase user engagement and overall reach.

You can also use Facebook videos to increase likes on your Facebook page. For a more immersive social experience, you can add Facebook page plugin, install Facebook comments, and add Facebook like button on your WordPress site.

Having said that, let’s take a look at how to embed Facebook videos on a WordPress site.

Embedding Facebook Videos in WordPress

First, you need to locate the video that you want to embed on your WordPress site.

Next, you need to right click on the video name or date, and then select copy link address.

Copy the Facebook video URL

After that, you need to visit the Facebook embedded video player website and scroll down to the code generator section.

You will need to paste the URL you copied earlier in the ‘URL of video’ field.

Facebook video embed code generator

Next, you need to click on the get code button which will bring up a popup showing you two boxes of code.

Embed code generator

The first part of the code needs to go in your website’s header section. There are multiple ways to add this code to your website.

If you are comfortable editing theme files, then you can add it to your theme or a child theme by simply editing the header.php file and paste it right after the <body> tag.

Alternatively, you can install and activate the Insert Headers and Footers plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to go to the Settings » Insert Headers and Footers page in your WordPress admin and paste the code into the footer box. Click on the save button to store your changes.

Important: You only need to add the first part of the code once. Next time you add a Facebook video, you will only need to copy and paste the second part of the code.

Now return to the Facebook video embedder page and copy the second part of the code.

You can add this code in your WordPress posts, pages, or even a sidebar widget. When adding the code to your posts and pages, you need to make sure to switch to the Text editor, otherwise WordPress visual editor will mess up the code.

Switch to text editor to paste video embed code

You can now visit your website to see the Facebook video in action.

Facebook video embed preview

How to Embed Facebook Live Video in WordPress

You can embed the Facebook Live video just like you would embed a regular Facebook video. The only difference here is how to get the URL of your Facebook live video.

Facebook doesn’t allow you to get a URL for your live video before you go live. If you want to simultaneously broadcast the Facebook Live video on your website, then you will need to first go live.

Once you are live, right click on the date and select copy link address to get the live video URL.

Getting your Facebook Live video URL

Once you have the URL, you can go to the Facebook embedded video player website and paste the link in the ‘URL of video’ field.

Facebook Live video embed code generator

The video embed code generator will now fetch and display a preview of your Facebook live video. You need to click on the Get Code button to continue and follow the instructions described above to add these codes to your website.

Once you have added the Facebook live video code to your site, your users will be able to view the Facebook live video directly from your website as well as their Facebook feeds.

Facebook live video preview

We hope this article helped you learn how to embed Facebook videos in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to get more visitors to your new WordPres website.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Embed a Facebook Video in WordPress appeared first on WPBeginner.

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How to Embed a Facebook Video in WordPress

Do you want to embed a Facebook video in WordPress? With the recent popularity of Facebook Live and Facebook videos platform, several of our users asked if it was possible to embed Facebook videos in WordPress. In this article, we will show you how to easily embed a Facebook video and Facebook live video in WordPress.

How to embed Facebook video in WordPress

Why Add Facebook Videos in WordPress?

We tell our users that they should never upload videos to WordPress. Instead, we recommend using a video sharing site like YouTube.

While YouTube is currently the world’s largest video hosting platform, Facebook is the biggest social network, and their videos are growing fast.

Recently, Facebook introduced auto-play and Facebook live video features. Marketers all over the world are raving about these features because they increase user engagement and overall reach.

You can also use Facebook videos to increase likes on your Facebook page. For a more immersive social experience, you can add Facebook page plugin, install Facebook comments, and add Facebook like button on your WordPress site.

Having said that, let’s take a look at how to embed Facebook videos on a WordPress site.

Embedding Facebook Videos in WordPress

First, you need to locate the video that you want to embed on your WordPress site.

Next, you need to right click on the video name or date, and then select copy link address.

Copy the Facebook video URL

After that, you need to visit the Facebook embedded video player website and scroll down to the code generator section.

You will need to paste the URL you copied earlier in the ‘URL of video’ field.

Facebook video embed code generator

Next, you need to click on the get code button which will bring up a popup showing you two boxes of code.

Embed code generator

The first part of the code needs to go in your website’s header section. There are multiple ways to add this code to your website.

If you are comfortable editing theme files, then you can add it to your theme or a child theme by simply editing the header.php file and paste it right after the <body> tag.

Alternatively, you can install and activate the Insert Headers and Footers plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to go to the Settings » Insert Headers and Footers page in your WordPress admin and paste the code into the footer box. Click on the save button to store your changes.

Important: You only need to add the first part of the code once. Next time you add a Facebook video, you will only need to copy and paste the second part of the code.

Now return to the Facebook video embedder page and copy the second part of the code.

You can add this code in your WordPress posts, pages, or even a sidebar widget. When adding the code to your posts and pages, you need to make sure to switch to the Text editor, otherwise WordPress visual editor will mess up the code.

Switch to text editor to paste video embed code

You can now visit your website to see the Facebook video in action.

Facebook video embed preview

How to Embed Facebook Live Video in WordPress

You can embed the Facebook Live video just like you would embed a regular Facebook video. The only difference here is how to get the URL of your Facebook live video.

Facebook doesn’t allow you to get a URL for your live video before you go live. If you want to simultaneously broadcast the Facebook Live video on your website, then you will need to first go live.

Once you are live, right click on the date and select copy link address to get the live video URL.

Getting your Facebook Live video URL

Once you have the URL, you can go to the Facebook embedded video player website and paste the link in the ‘URL of video’ field.

Facebook Live video embed code generator

The video embed code generator will now fetch and display a preview of your Facebook live video. You need to click on the Get Code button to continue and follow the instructions described above to add these codes to your website.

Once you have added the Facebook live video code to your site, your users will be able to view the Facebook live video directly from your website as well as their Facebook feeds.

Facebook live video preview

We hope this article helped you learn how to embed Facebook videos in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to get more visitors to your new WordPres website.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Embed a Facebook Video in WordPress appeared first on WPBeginner.

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WP Advanced Ads Review: A Powerful WordPress Ad Management Plugin

WP Advanced Ads Review

When you run a blog, you have a lot of ways to make money. But one of the most tried-and-tested methods is displaying ads on your site.

When you’re just starting out, displaying and managing ads on your site is pretty easy. But as you start getting more traffic, and more potential advertisers, you’ll probably want a tool to help you manage those ads better, including the positioning of those ads.

That is exactly what WP Advanced Ads is. It’s a tool that we use for the ShoutMeLoud site to manage which ads are displayed (and where), collect stats, and lots more. And in this review of Advanced Ads, I’ll show you exactly how this free/premium plugin can help you do the same for your blog.

What Does WordPress Advanced Ads plugin Actually Do?

Advanced Ads is a free WordPress plugin (Also offers pro option) that’s available at, as well as a variety of premium extensions that add additional functionality.

It works with all the major ad networks, including AdSense and Amazon. You can also use it to manage your own ads (either affiliate offers or direct ad sales).

Advanced Ads is also quite popular. It is active on over 50,000 WordPress sites and has managed to maintain a 4.9-star rating over 450 votes, which is pretty impressive for a WordPress plugin.

In the free version, you can:

  • Create and display unlimited ad units
  • Automatically inject those ads into specific areas on your site (like your posts and pages)
  • Rotate ads to display different offers
  • Schedule ads and/or set expiration dates for ads
  • Target ads to specific types of users (as per the device or logged in status)

And if you go with the pro version/add-ons, you can also:

  • Sell ads directly to people
  • Target ads by geolocation
  • Add ads to Google AMP pages
  • Collect stats to analyze how your ads are performing
  • Lots, lots more.

Basically, if displaying ads is part of your monetization strategy, Advanced Ads can help you do it better.

Advanced Ads Review: How The Plugin Works

To get started, I’m going to show you how the free version of the plugin works. Then, I’ll take you through some of the paid add-ons that we use at ShoutMeLoud to get access to even more helpful functionalities.

When you first install the plugin, you get a new Advanced Ads tab where you can manage your:

  • Ads
  • Placements
  • Rotations

Creating A New Ad

Creating a new ad is simple. You just go to Advanced Ads → Ads.

First, you can choose what type of ad to create. Advanced Ads lets you create ads using:

  • Plain Text and Code: A generic text/code editor. This is good for most ads from external services (e.g. Amazon, BuySellAds, etc.), as well as custom AdSense ads.
  • AdSense ad: This makes it easy to insert standard AdSense ads.
  • Rich Content: This lets you use the full WordPress editor, complete with shortcodes, image uploads, and more.
  • Image Ad: This helps you insert a standard image ad.
  • Ad Group: This helps you group different ads together and display them in the same location.

Advanced Ads Review

For this example, I’ll show you a Plain Text and Code advertisement because it’s probably what you’ll use most often.

On the next page, you paste the ad snippet into the box (most advertisers give you an HTML snippet):

Plain Text and Code advertisement

You can also choose whether to reserve a certain space and execute PHP/shortcodes.

Then, you set your:

  • Display Conditions: These determine which pages you want to display your ads on. You can display the ad sitewide or you could target specific pages/types of pages. In the example below, I’ve set it up to only display on actual blog post pages.
  • Visitor Conditions: These let you exclude certain types of visitors from seeing your ad. For example, you can exclude mobile visitors, which I’ve done in the example below.

Ad Display Conditions

Choosing A New Placement

Next, you need to choose your ad’s placement. The placement is basically where on the page the ad should actually show up:

WPAdvanced Ads Placement

Advanced Ads lets you manually choose the location with a PHP function or shortcode. Or, you can choose from one of the pre-defined locations like:

  • Below post title
  • In the post content (after a certain number of paragraphs)
  • After post content
  • As a widget
  • More with the premium add-ons

You can use these placements to automatically insert ads inside the post like we do at ShoutMeLoud:

Advanced Ads

For this example, I’ll choose to automatically insert the ad right below the post title.

And now, when I go to the frontend of the site, I see the ad right below the title:

Advanced Ads Plugin Review

Adding Group Rotations

Here’s where Advanced Ads starts getting more powerful.

If you go to Groups & Rotation, you can create a new ad group. An ad group lets you:

  • Rotate multiple ads based on a weighting that you specify
  • Choose how many ads to display at a time
  • Choose how to order ads

Adding Group Rotations

Now, instead of showing the exact same ad underneath the post title, Advanced Ads will rotate between different ads based on the weighting that you specify.

That’s great because:

  • It allows you to easily test different offers
  • It eliminates “banner blindness” (where your visitors become accustomed to seeing the same ad and start to ignore it)

Set Up Schedules/Expiry Dates

Schedules/expiry dates are another powerful free feature that let you:

  • Start displaying an ad on a specific date
  • Stop displaying an ad on a specific date

Schedules expiry dates Advanced Ads

This feature is great if you’re promoting sales or other time-specific offers. Rather than needing to remember to…

  • Manually start the ad when the sale starts
  • Manually stop the ad when it ends

…you can just set up the ad as soon as the merchant lets you know about the promotion and have Advanced Ads do everything for you automatically.

Exploring The Premium Features In Advanced Ads

By itself, the free version of Advanced Ads is already a very beneficial tool for bloggers. But with the pro add-ons, you can get access to even more helpful features.

View Statistics For Your Ads

With the Tracking add-on, you can learn how well your ads are actually performing by tracking clicks and impressions.

Advanced Ads Stats

This is massively important because it lets you see which ads perform the best. By finding that information, you’re able to focus on the offers that do best for your specific audience.

Insert AdSense Ads In Google AMP Pages

If you’re using Google AMP, the Responsive Ads add-on makes it easy for you to display ads on your Google AMP pages.

You can either automatically convert AdSense ads for Google AMP. Or, you can actually create separate ads and display them only on AMP pages:

Insert AdSense Ads In Google AMP Pages

Access More Placement Options

Advanced Ads Pro gives you a ton of new placement options. You can insert ads:

  • As a background to your website
  • In a random paragraph
  • Above the post title
  • In the middle of your content (based on the number of paragraphs in each post)
  • On archive pages, like your list of blog posts

Advanced Ads Pro Placement Options

Sell Ad Spots Directly Via WooCommerce

If you want to sell ads directly to third-party advertisers without the need for a middleman like BuySellAds, the Selling Ads add-on lets users purchase ads from the frontend of your site (via a WooCommerce integration).

Visitor Targeting Conditions

If you want more control over which ads display for which visitors, the Geo Targeting add-on and/or Advanced Ads Pro let you target by:

  • Geolocation
  • Previous impressions/clicks for each user
  • Browser language
  • New or recurring visitors only
  • Paid Memberships Pro membership level (great for membership sites)

Visitor Targeting Conditions

WordPress Advanced Ads Is A Great plugin For Any Blogger

If you display ads on your WordPress blog or website, Advanced Ads is a great plugin that makes it easier to manage your ads, display them in the right locations, and target the right users. A free version is good enough to give you a hint of what it can do and if you are someone who is already making a decent income from their blog, using pro addons will further optimize your revenue.

Even if you just use the free version, I think it will give you more functionality and save time.

With the pro version/add-ons, though, you can get access to even more helpful features that let you see how your ads are performing and have even more control over where they show up on your site.

Do you have any questions about Advanced Ads? Feel free to ask in the comments!

Here are a few selected articles for you to read next:

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WP Advanced Ads Review: A Powerful WordPress Ad Management Plugin is a post from ShoutMeLoud - Shouters Who Inspires

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